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Robert Brass to moderate the “Introduction to Criminal Trial...


Dughi, Hewit and Domalewski, PC is proud to announce that Robert J. Brass, Esq., of Counsel to the Firm,  will moderate the “Introduction to Criminal Trial...

Craig Domalewski to Present Webinar for the New Jersey Hospital...


Dughi, Hewit & Domalewski, P.C. is proud to announce that Craig Domalewski will present a webinar for the New Jersey Hospital Association on the recently enacted...

Brandon Minde to Moderate NJICLE Criminal Law College: Effective...


Dughi, Hewit & Domalewski, P.C. is proud to announce that Brandon D. Minde, past-Chair of the NJSBA Criminal Law Section and Past Trustee of the NJSBA, will be the...

Brandon Minde to Present on Ethics for Criminal Trial Attorneys at...


Dughi, Hewit & Domalewski, P.C. is proud to announce that Brandon D. Minde, a trial partner and past-Chair of the NJSBA Criminal Law Section, will be a speaker on...

Trial Lawyer Brandon Minde to Moderate CLE: The ABC’s of PTI (Pre-Trial...


Dughi, Hewit & Domalewski, P.C. is proud to announce that Brandon D. Minde, a trial partner and Chair of the NJSBA Criminal Law Section, will be the moderator and a...

Trial Lawyer Brandon Minde to Present: Remote and Virtual Criminal Court...


Dughi, Hewit & Domalewski, P.C. is proud to announce that Brandon D. Minde, a trial partner and Chair of the NJSBA Criminal Law Section, will be part of the faculty...

Dughi, Hewit & Domalewski Adds Five Attorneys and Opens South Jersey...


Dughi, Hewit & Domalewski is proud to announce that it has added five attorneys to its civil litigation and trial team, including Mark Petraske and Herb Kruttschnitt...

Trial Lawyer Brandon Minde to Present: NJ Criminal Trial...


Dughi, Hewit & Domalewski, P.C. is proud to announce that Brandon D. Minde, a trial partner and faculty member of the Practising Law Institute (PLI), will be...

DHD Litigators to Present: The ABC’s of Civil and Criminal Trial...


Dughi, Hewit & Domalewski, P.C. is proud to announce that Louis John Dughi, Jr., Craig A. Domalewski, Mary Elizabeth Gazi, and Brandon D. Minde will be presenting...

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