COVID-19 UPDATE – NEW JERSEY FAMILY LAW – Does the ongoing global pandemic permit modifications to your alimony or child support obligations in New Jersey?

Everyone in New Jersey has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic one way or another. If you are divorced or divorcing, whether you are the recipient of alimony and/or child support or the payor, your pocket has most likely already felt the devasting economic impact of the coronavirus. We have seen almost every industry in New Jersey adjust in an attempt to survive during this challenging time. You may ask, am I expected to adjust? Am I permitted?
It is common during these trying economic times to have questions regarding your alimony or child support obligations and entitlements under New Jersey law due to the impact of COVID-19. For example, if you are ordered to pay alimony and child support, but recently lost your job, are you entitled to immediate relief? Conversely, if you are the recipient of support and the payor lost his or her job, are you expected to forego your court ordered payments or reduce them?
Ordinarily, a Court application is necessary to obtain modification of responsibility and entitlement when there is a substantial change of financial circumstances. However, alternative mechanisms are also available in New Jersey which often produce much more expeditious and less expensive form of relief without Court application, such as Binding Arbitration and Economic Mediation.
The attorneys in the Family Law Department at Dughi, Hewit & Domalewski are here to answer all of your questions. Their credentials are set forth on the Firm’s website. Each lawyer is skilled in being able to carefully guide you through the process.
While the coronavirus pandemic is affecting us all, the answers to your questions are fact specific and can only apply on a case by case basis. To learn what your options are do not hesitate to call (908)272-0200 or e-mail Mario C. Gurrieri, Esq. (, Kristin M. Capalbo, Esq. ( or Jennifer L. Young, Esq. ( for an initial telephonic or virtual conference.