Craig A. Domalewski Named to 2023 Best Lawyers® List

Dughi, Hewit & Domalewski, P.C. is proud to announce that Craig A. Domalewski has been selected for inclusion in the 2023 edition of Best Lawyers® for commercial litigation. Best Lawyers® is the oldest and one of the most respected peer-review publications in the legal profession.
About Best Lawyers®
Best Lawyers has earned the respect of the profession, the media and the public as the most reliable, unbiased source of legal referrals. Its first international list was published in 2006 and since then has grown to provide lists in over 75 countries. For the 2023 edition of The Best Lawyers in America, more than 12.2 million votes were analyzed to identify the top legal talent, as identified by their peers. Lawyers on The Best Lawyers in America list are divided by geographic region and practice areas. They are reviewed by their peers based on professional expertise and undergo an authentication process to make sure they are in current practice and in good standing.
For additional information about The Best Lawyers in America and its methodology, please click here.
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