Trial Lawyer Brandon Minde to Moderate CLE: The ABC’s of PTI (Pre-Trial Intervention) and ISP (Intensive Supervision Program)

Dughi, Hewit & Domalewski, P.C. is proud to announce that Brandon D. Minde, a trial partner and Chair of the NJSBA Criminal Law Section, will be the moderator and a speaker on the NJICLE live webcast: The ABC’s of PTI (Pre-Trial Intervention) and ISP (Intensive Supervision Program) on Tuseday, Feb. 23, 2021 at 9:00 am.
This live webcast is a “how to” for attorneys who are looking to get clients accepted into the Pretrial Intervention Program (PTI) prior to trial or the Intensive Supervision Program (ISP) after conviction. PTI provides defendants, generally first-time offenders, with opportunities for alternatives to the traditional criminal justice process of ordinary prosecution. ISP is a program after conviction that is an intermediate form of punishment which permits carefully selected state prison sentenced offenders to serve the remainder of their sentence in the community rather than in prison.
Minde will lead an experienced panel of judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys and program administrators including the ISP Lead Judge for Passaic County and the ISP Program Administrator as they share their knowledge and experiences.
Mr. Minde is the head of Dughi, Hewit & Domalewski’s criminal law department, is a former Essex County Assistant Prosecutor, and is certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Criminal Trial Attorney.